This unique approach to the Christmas Story will encourage and inspire you in your view of God and His plans for you and all humanity
James Hutton, and Charles Lyell conspired together to deceive the world into believing the lie of an old earth, without any evidence and for nefarious reasons. Listen as Paul explains how this lie has dramatically affected the world as we know it.
What Happened to Science, how did science descent from Isaac Newton, to Richard Dawkins? How did the lies of an old earth become "fixed science".
Two events in history changed the world. Galileo and Copernicus & Hutton and Lyell.
Neither Science or Religion Can Prove the Existence of GOD! Five evidences that an eternal Creator is the best explanation for the existence of the heavens and earth and all life forms.
Paul uses the parable of the persistent widow to explain the purpose for The Acts 17 Accord. We desire to prepare God's people to keep their faith and live righteous, Spirit-filled lives, til the end of the age.
Does God still require wives to submit to their husbands in todays' world? If so, how does that look amidst the invasion of feminism. What does the Bible teach about submission in a 21st Century Marriage. Submission has nothing to do with equality, value or ability. Biblical submission has nothing to do with cultural interpretations and what they mean in a marriage.
Submission in marriage is out of touch in our society primarily because of the influence of feminism. However, marriage is the centerpiece of every culture, society, religious institution on earth. There is nothing more important than a godly husband and wife, working together to do the things God has called them to do. Does submission have anything to do with a good marriage, check it out and see what God says.
How does the Fall in Genesis three explain the need for submission in the 21st century Marriages In the garden Eve made the decision to listen to Satan and take the fruit they were offered. She took the leadership in their relationship, ate the fruit and gave it to her husband. God humanity because of their failure in the Garden. How do we reverse the curse.
Is it the Building on the Corner, a religious/political organization, a denomination or the Catholics? How do you get into the church, and what is the relationship to the Nation of Israel?
The Gift of Tongues
Perhaps the most controversial of all the spiritual gifts, Paul weaves through the various pitfalls over this spiritual gift. Speaking in tongues in Acts 2 was a miracle, speaking in tongues in I Corinthians 14 seem to be different and not miraculous, but under the control of the speaker. In Acts 2 the 120 were speaking known languages by the power of the Holy Spirit. In I Corinthians 14, the tongues seem to originate from the human spirit, not the Holy Spirit.
The Filling of the Spirit
Three Greek words can be translated filling or full in the New Testament. One Hebrew word is also translated filling in the Old Testament. Together these words show four aspects or meanings to the filling of the Holy Spirit in the Bible. All four aspects of the Spirit's filling have a significant role our lives as followers of Jesus.
The Ministry of the Spirit (Part 1)
The Baptism, indwelling, filling and empowering of the Spirit (empowering the in-the-moment spiritual gifts), empowering of the Body of Christ to make disciples, and the indwelling of the Spirit are activities that began at Pentecost and continue today. Understanding these different doctrines will free our congregations to do the works prepared for them before the foundation of the world, and assist church leaders in equipping their congregations.
The Ministry of the Spirit (Part 2)
The Baptism, indwelling, filling and empowering of the Spirit (empowering the in-the-moment spiritual gifts), empowering of the Body of Christ to make disciples, and the indwelling of the Spirit are activities that began at Pentecost and continue today. Understanding these different doctrines will free our congregations to do the works prepared for them before the foundation of the world, and assist church leaders in equipping their congregations.
From the beginning of Creation there has been an ongoing spiritual battle, that continues to this day. The gifts of the Holy Spirit play a direct role in winning this battle. Find out how the division in the Church is a part of this continuing battle.
The apostle Paul said,
"We don't wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities and powers, the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places." Ephesians 6:12
In this episode Paul tells his story about his journey concerning the Spirit's gifts. Do Hebrews 2:4 and I Corinthians 13 8-13 teach that the gifts of the Holy Spirit ceased after the completion of the writing of the New Testament, (the closing of the Canon)? Join Paul as he explains as he examines these passages and answers this question which have long divided the Body of Christ.
One of the main reasons the body is divided over the gifts is a basic misunderstanding of nature of the gifts. There are two kind of gifts, permanent and in-the-moment, (commonly known as the supernatural gifts. Join us to see what the Bible says about how the gifts operate.
In this episode Paul explains what the in-the-moment (aka supernatural) gifts are and how they work. He shows how John MacArthur a famous Bible teacher, misunderstands how these gifts work, and how that misunderstanding is a large part of the division in the Church.
Most people believe that prophecy is predicting the future, and that if you prophesy, that means you are a prophet, and have the gift of prophecy, Author Paul Myrant, explains the true nature of prophecy and how it works
The Confusion Over the Speaking in Tongues and The Baptism of the Spirit. Every believer has been baptized by the Holy Spirit into the Body of Christ, speaking in tongues was a sign of the empowering (temporary filling) of the Holy Spirit, not the Baptism of the Spirit.
Find out why Paul wrote this book, He discusses how you can use the Spiritual gifts without becoming a Pentecostal or Charismatic
Paul gives us five reasons every church should consider operating in the gifts of the Holy Spirit, and how to operate in the gifts without becoming a Pentecostal or Charismatic.
Belief in the existence of a Creator is primarily a philosophical question; believing in God does not make you religious, just logical.
You only have two options: the world and all living things in it were caused (created) or uncaused (accidental or random). There is not a third option; "we don't know" is a cop-out.
"Well, then where did God come from?" The typical response from those who equate the logical need for matter to have come into existence, compared with the eternality of God.
The Existence of a Creator is an Axiom, a self-evident truth. It is the only ration explanation for the existence of complex, innumerable atoms, molecules, and millions of living entities in the world; let alone intelligent, creative, thinking, human beings with individual personalities capable of great good and great evil.
I want to tell you a Christmas Story – a short, yet long kind of story, a story from long ago.
Now it’s not the story you’re thinking of that happened so long ago.
No, this story took place a long, long, longgg time ago!
We walked on the moon and watched from afar, we flew here and there and drove in a car.
We spoke through a wire and floated in space; but this story happened in a much different place.
Remember the times in the ages of man, the kings and priests all ruling their clans
Kingdoms do come and kingdoms do go, evil and good always in a row
Adolf and Stalin who wanted it all, the crusades, dark ages and the Romans great fall
One stood alone a real game changer, the birth of a babe in a hidden cold manger.
Before Daniel slept with the lions at night, and Nebuchadnezzar ate grass, quite a sight.
Before David was king and Samuel conceived, and the one called Abram chose to believe
Before men built a tower and Noah a great zoo, before Cain took from Able the life he was due.
Before Eve gave to Adam the fruit of the tree, this story began in the heart of these three
Before they created the first man and Eve, the great dinosaurs, and fish in the sea
Before there was life growing up without weeds, the trees and bushes, and plants with their seeds
Before the foundation of the earth had been laid, before the sun and moon, and the stars had been made
Before light appeared and the darkness erased, and the backdrop of space stretched into place.
Before the covering cherub on the mountain did sing and believe in his heart, he was more than the king.
Before the heavenly hosts sang their songs without strife, before all these things there was light, joy and life.
Immeasurable wisdom, abiding deep love, perfect contentment, and peace up above.
Here lived a being so great and glorious, His power and might and story before us
Majestic beauty that had never been seen, love and great wisdom a glorious scene
This one knew nothing of being alone; no emptiness haunted this blissful throne.
Two others stood with Him alike in their ways, one in their nature, sharing their days.
They lived here together clothed in pure light, perfect in splendor, Oh what a sight
Adorned with wisdom and clothed with great power, yet one thing they lacked in this great tower.
There was no one to praise them, no one to know, no one forgiveness and love to show.
Who could know the strength and the might, of the one who made the stars for the night?
Who made the sun to light the day, and mortal men just out of clay?
In lighted chambers filled with glory, they decided to bring us into their story
So together they chose to let us know, of the might and love that they could show.
To be loved and praised and truly known, they would need for us to be shown,
Not from compulsion, fear or dread the beauty of the three instead.
So they gave to us the right to choose; but this brought sin and life to lose.
Pain and grief filled our days with despair, many cried out this is not fair.
Yet, we all choose to turn away, just doing my thing is what we say
In spite of all the things we had done, they still chose to send the Son.
He set aside His robes of light, His perfect peace, His place and rights.
He chose instead a manger stall, to be birthed and save us from the fall.
You would think that those He came to see, would welcome Him with glee
Instead, we laid for all to see, his broken body upon a tree
His hands and feet nailed to His tree; he took it all without a plea.
We left Him there to bleed and die, hanging alone in His majestic sky.
He looked around and He could see, faces of those He had brought to be.
He gave His life, paid for our crimes; all done in the fullness of His time.
Death could not contain the Son; He rose again the victory won
Seated now in heaven above; he always prays for those he loves
He is coming back, not to long now, every knee will bend and bow
As we look upon the chosen one, this baby boy, the Majestic One.
By Paul R. Myrant © 2002
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